Terms & Privacy


UrbanRider.com is operated by UK-registered Multigate International Limited. By using this site you accept and agree to comply with these terms, which we may amend from time to time. Our Privacy Policy below, sets out the terms on which we may process your personal data.

The content on this site is provided for general information only. Urban Rider makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, express, implied or statutory, that this site content is accurate, complete or up to date.
Urban Rider excludes all implied conditions, warranties, representations or other terms that may apply to this site. Urban Rider is the owner or licensee of intellectual property rights and material published on this site.

The trade marks, service marks and logos displayed on this site (the “TradeMarks”) are registered and unregistered TradeMarks of Urban Rider and others. Nothing in these terms should be construed as granting a licence or right to use any of the TradeMarks displayed on this site.

Urban Rider may withdraw or restrict the availability of all or part of this site. You must not use any content on our site for commercial purposes without obtaining written consent from Urban Rider or our licensors.

The use of this site and any related agreements shall be construed in accordance with English law.


For the purposes of applicable legislation, Multigate International Limited (“Multigate”) is the controller of your personal information. We respect your privacy. Any information you disclose in confidence is treated confidentially.

In accordance with Data Protection Laws, we may collect and store limited personal information relating to you and/or your organisation if this is necessary for our legitimate operational interests, including due diligence.
Such information may include your name, contact details, job title and meeting notes. The purpose for which we may collect and store this information is to maintain a record of our professional relationship, in respect of which we may contact you periodically.

Multigate will only process such personal information for the purposes listed above or other purposes expressly disclosed to you. Personal information may be shared with professional advisors and partners, such as accountants and lawyers -and/or- other persons with an interest or involvement in Urban Rider. Where we transfer personal information to third parties outside of the EEA, we will enter into a data transfer agreement with the recipient and ensure such transfers take place in accordance with the Data Protection Laws.

Multigate will take all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information, but cannot guarantee the security of any data you disclose online. You accept not to hold Multigate responsible for any data breach unless this is due to Multigate’s negligence or wilful default.